Photo by h. koppdelaney (Flickr)
Digital storytelling allows one to create short movies using digital content such as images, video, and audio. Stories can reflect any topic and reach a wide range of audiences. According to 7 things you should know about Digital Storytelling, the practice of digital storytelling became large-scale in the United Kingdom with the sponsorship of the BBC. The aim was to produce and share local cultures and histories of the area. Because this process requires no background in digital media, digital stories can be created by almost anyone.
For those hesitant to experiment on their own, an organization exists called the Center for Digital Storytelling. Their mission is to assist people around the world to use digital media tools in order to create meaningful stories that can be shared with others. By partnering with communities, educational and business institutions, this organization is able to inspire “digital storytelling initiatives” in health, education, human rights, environmental concerns, and much more.
The uses for digital storytelling in the classroom are limitless. The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling provide much insight to the craft, as well ideas for uses such as:
- Enhancing lesson plans
- Introducing new material
- Helping students learn to conduct new research
- Synthesize large quantities of content
- Present ideas in meaningful ways
- Increase computer skills of students
- Develop students skills to write and create narratives
Digital storytelling has the ability to motivate students with the lure of digital media. These short presentations inspire creativity and the ability to display talents.
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